The international Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Immigration 2015

Chapter on France, published in  ” The international Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Immigration 2015″, Global Legal Group Ltd. , p 72-78,  August 2015,  United Kingdom.


Global Mobility : An Overview for HR Professionals

Chapter on France, published in the “Global Mobility, An Overview for Human Resrouces Professionals”, 3rd edition, Poorvi Chothani, Esq., LawQuest, pages 56-66, 2015, India.




The Corporate immigration Review

Chapter on France, published in “the Corporate  immigration Review”, 5th edition, Law Business Research Ltd, p124-135, 2015, United Kingdom.

Lamy mobilité internationale Immigration : Autorisations de séjour et de travail emploi de salariés étrangers

TOME 1  Publication directors : Laurence GUILBAUD-SEGUIN, Anne MEJIAS DE HARO and Vanessa NIVELLES
Karl Waheed authored Section 156: Illegal Work
Lamy Mobilité internationale − © Wolters Kluwer France − October 2014


Anti-fraud law of July 10, 2014 on seconded workers

La Revue du Personnel, January 2015, Paris

Draft Law on the Rights of Foreigners in France : towards a simplification of professional international mobility.

La Revue du Personnel, employment law special edition, 2014, Paris

Professional immigration, a challenge for companies

Professional immigration, a challenge for companies, The Journal of Staff, November 2013, Paris.

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Corporate Immigration

France, Corporate Immigration, Annual Review 2013, The Financier Worldwide, p. 20-23, septembre 2013, Royaume-Uni.

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