Charter of rights and duties of new French citizens and easing the examination of applications for naturalization – 23/10/2012

A general circular, expected in the coming weeks,should encourage Prefectures to be more flexible in considering applications for naturalization. The government has already published a new circular in this regard and is implementing the charter of rights and duties of new French citizens.

Professional Immigration update from France – 14/08/2012

Single desk and stream-lined processing for three categories of foreign workers, change of status from student to working category eased, and registration for national health insurance

Professional immigration in France: Professional Immigration update from France: Single desk and stream-lined processing for three categories of foreign workers, International Association of Lawyers (UIA) volume 1 number 4, p. 14-15, August 2012, France.

Professional immigration in France: update and outlook, Immigration and Nationality Law News, Newsletter of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division, Volume 17, p.19-22, Juillet 2012, UK

When international mobility Law applies to staff of multinationals present on French territory, Journal of Staff, May 2012, Paris